Hey guys, below you can find notes about EFS , my recent video on YouTube. I hope you would like it. If you like what i am doing, please share and spread the word. Thanks,Salman EFS1) Stands for Elastic File…
Hey guys, below you can find notes about EFS , my recent video on YouTube. I hope you would like it. If you like what i am doing, please share and spread the word. Thanks,Salman EFS1) Stands for Elastic File…
In this article we will see how to automate back from our local machine to AWS S3 with sync command. Requirements:AWS Cli should be configured on Local Linux MachineInternet Connectivity [Of course] In our previous posts we saw how to…
In this post we will see What is S3 How to Create User in AWS How to Configure AWS Cli Version 2 to list S3 buckets and content So Let’s start: S3:Stands for Simple Storage Service. It is a Cloud…
Hey all, today i decided to install AW Cli version 2 in my Linux mint and therefore would like to share how to do that in simple steps. So let’s start: Prerequisites:Curlunzip Downloading:curl https://awscli.amazonaws.com/awscli-exe-linux-x86_64.zip -o awscliv2.zip Unzipunzip awscliv2.zip Install:sudo ./aws/install…
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